Abortion in Ethiopia

Ethiopia: Abortion-Related Study Reports & News
The following study reports linked here on ths page were made available to the general reader as a clear evidence and proof that abortion in Ethiopia is a common and widespread problem that is destroying hundreds of unborn babies' lives and endangering many women's lives as well. Abortion should not be treated as a contraceptive method or as a necessary means to reduce poverty or reduce overpopulation problem. Abortion kills a human life and desecrates the sanctity and dignity of human life created in the image and likeness of God the Creator of all lives. In other words, abortion is the greatest social and moral evil of our time ...!


Integrating abortion and contraceptive services, Ethiopia

Date: 11 November 2013  Source: IPAS
The International Conference on Family Planning 2013 is currently underway in Ethiopia, a country with two notable examples of how to increase access to reproductive health care.  Ethiopia is integrating women's access to medical abortion and to post-abortion contraception services into government family planning programmes. 


www.ajol.info/index.php/ajrh/article/viewFile/98374/87660‎    ‎

Keywords: abortion, repeat abortion, contraception, urban, Ethiopia. Résumé. L'accès .... Tigray, Ethiopia did not report repeat abortion rates but noted that “[a].

University of California, Berkeley
Feb 13, 2009 - Both provider and client reports showed that the vast majority (over 85%) of women received .... 1.1.1 Maternal Health and Abortion in Ethiopia .

This report is a project of the Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic of the Leitner Center for ... Unsafe  abortion in Ethiopia is a leading cause of death.


ACCESS TO SAFE ABORTION SERVICES IN ETHIOPIA: The Case of ...... According to the Ethiopian Ministry of Health report unsafe abortions is one of the.

Having recognized the seriousness of the unsafe abortion situation in the country and... information on the magnitude of unsafe abortion situation in Ethiopia.


in the EMoC model. This paper reports on the first field application of a tools package to monitor safe abortion care (SAC) in Ethiopia. The SAC package includes ...


by E Senbeto¹ - ‎Cited by 13 - ‎Related articles
studies conducted in Ethiopia, we can see that the prevalence of induced abortion ..... abortion in health facilities in Ethiopia. May 2000 (unpublished report). 12.

Guttmacher Institute
Abortion is now legal in Ethiopia in cases of rape, incest or fetal ... six in 10 abortions in Ethiopia are unsafe. ... postabortion care report having had a previous ..

and Ethiopia changed its law on abortion in 2005. It now allows safely .... Tigray, EthiopiaReport of a baseline assessment in public-sector facilities. Chapel
Hill .
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Y Melkamu, M Betre, S Tesfaye - Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 2010 - ajol.info
Background: In Ethiopia, utilization of post-abortion care service is minimal and it seems that the expanding services are underutilized. The purpose of this study was to assess factors which influence decisions for utilization of abortion related services at community level.
A Seid, A Gebremariam, M Abera - Science, Technology and Arts Research …, 2013 - ajol.info
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the integration of family planning services within post abortion care that plays a vital role in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality resulting from abortion and its complications. Facility based cross-sectional study design ...

by N Goodman - ‎2008 - ‎Related articles
Although. Ethiopia's abortion law was recently liberalized, women in Ethiopia still face major ... “The Human Development ReportsEthiopia Report 2007/2008.

hospital-based studies in Addis Ababa, reported that abortion accounted for 22.2% and 52.2% of all maternal deaths (4,5). A report from the Ministry of Health ..

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